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The traditional gilding is one of the most versatile and most expensive decorative hand-crafted techniques. It shall convey the impression of solid gold, stress details of the building dingbats set or bring in a "breath" of luxury into the room. Since the production of gold leaf and silver leaf was operated professionally, one endeavours to enlarge the market. As a cost-effective alternative blow metal (brass), blow aluminium, copper and bronze are widespread applied into leafshape. Platinum and white gold are also very popular. Leafmetal is available in different sizes and tints. Because leafmetal reflects the light very strong, special surface effects can be reached, for that it can be used for example with different underground structures (e.g. the natural wood structure). Geometrical or graphical arranged leafs can create very beautiful design versions in the interplay with the underground colour. Coloured glazes on the metal, such as patinating or shellac tintings as well as the use of torn or creased leaves, complete the variety of the design options. The colourfulness also can be used consciously of the underground.

Material informationen:

Gold-leaf | It consists of 0.0001 mm thick gold leafs, which are offered in all sorts of alloyings.

Compostion gold | It is it a beaten, gold leaf-like bronze blow metal |. This is thicker than genuine gold leaf approx. four times and consists of copper and a little zinc mainly. She represents the phenotype of solid brass and oxidizes easily.

Aluminium-leaf | I the expression for aluminium leaves beaten particularly thinly is and works similarly but a little "cooler" as silver leaf.

Underground and execution:

As an underground almost all materials like stone, finery, wood, metal, glass, sculpture etc. are possible. The underground has to be already processed on gleaming for a particularly shiny surface of the noble metals. On this an appropriate base is applied and the leafmetal found. Also big areas have to be worked with corresponding technology quite effectively. After the necessary drying time follow-up treatments already mentioned can be applied for the protection or surface styling.

Bad Muskau Castle – Schloss Café | Silver plating of the upper wall areas with aluminium leaves and surface protection with acryl varnish
Hotel InterContinental / Düsseldorf | Silver plating of the reception desks with aluminium leaves and varnishing with shellac
Capitals in the Frauenkirche (Church of our lady) Dresden | traditional gilding of the capitals of the arcade arches at choir circul (freelance cooperation with restoration company Müller Plauen/Vogtland)
Pulpit crown | restoration of old gilding in the town church Spremberg (in the order for restorer Boris Frohberg)
Bar "Havana Club" | wall design with patinated composition gold (Dresden-Neustadt in team with Knut Thiel)
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